Bmw 633 ECU l jetronic repair service
Test Fee is £60
If repaired the price is £220 instead
Lifetime Warranty on repairs.
Bmw 628 ECU el jetronic repair service
All other makes also available for test please ask Contact Us
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628 (E24) Csi 2.8 litre
Bosch LE Jetronic
0 280 001 300
0 986 261 819
13 61 1 272 100
628 (E24) Csi 2.8 litre
Bosch LE Jetronic
0 280 001 310
0 986 261 824
13 61 1 706 418
13 61 1 706 451
13 61 1 276 150
13 61 1 277 601
1 706 418.9