Ford engine Siemens SIM22 Ecu testing & repair services
ECU testing FROM only £50
Repair price depends on the type of ecu.
Please enquire with ecu part numbers and fault description for an exact quote.
Most Ecu types covered
Other services available such as
Immo off / decoding
Ecu Cloning / programming
Remapping + much more
Siemens SIM22
2S6A12A650SE4ROS S118107002F
2S6A12A650SF4ROT S118107002J
2S6A12A650SG4ROV S118107002K
2S6A12A650SH4ROW S118107002L
2S6A12A650TE5IQM S118107003F
2S6A12A650TF5IQN S118107003J
2S6A12A650TG5IQP S118107003K
2S6A12A650YD7RDC S118107006D
2S6A12A650YE7RDD S118107006
2U7A12A650TB5CPA S118107007B
2U7A12A650TD5CPC S118107007
3S6112A650CB1PDB S118107004D
3S6112A650CC1PDC S118107004E
4S6112A650CA3BMA S118107014
4S6112A650EA6AZA S118107012A
4S6112A650FA5GAA S118107016
4S6112A650GA4BGA S118107013A