Ford engine Siemens SIM28 Ecu testing & repair services
ECU testing FROM only £50
Repair price depends on the type of ecu.
Please enquire with ecu part numbers and fault description for an exact quote.
Most Ecu types covered
Other services available such as
Immo off / decoding
Ecu Cloning / programming
Remapping + much more
Siemens SIM28
3M5112A650FF4ANF S118934002F
4M5112A650HB9AYB S118934101B
4M5112A650HC9AYC S118934101C
4M5112A650HD9AYD S118934101D
4M5112A650HF9AYF S118934101F
4M5112A650HG9AYG S118934101G
4M5112A650HJ9AYJ S118934101J
4U7112A650LA8KPA S118934105A
5M5112A650FF3KLF S118934102F
5M5112A650FG3KLG S118934102
5M5112A650GC6MPC S118934103C
5M5112A650GD6MPD S118934103D
5M5112A650ZB5JAB S118934104B
7M5112A650AFA2GMA S118934202A
7M5112A650AFB2GMB S118934202B
7M5112A650AFD2GMD S118934202D
7M5112A650AGA3TCA S118934203
7M5112A650AGC3TCC S118934203